And.....2 more graduates! Congrats to Steven Bryant and Roysel Fraire! That brings us to 61 total so far! Remember, the deadline to finish has been extended to June 19th. You can do this!
almost 5 years ago, Amy Roble
And even more graduates today! You guys are awesome! Congratulations to: Sequoyah Cleveland, Barbara Garcia, Kevin Michael Metzgar, Kylah Reining
almost 5 years ago, Amy Roble
A new week brings more graduates! Congratulations to: Lizbeth Arcila DeLaRosa, Robert Martinez, and Rebecca Santana!
almost 5 years ago, Amy Roble
This week is staff appreciation week- help us tell our AMAZING staff how much you appreciate them! Jump into virtual office hours this week and tell your teachers ‘Hi!’ They would love to ‘see’ you!
almost 5 years ago, Amy Roble
Yard signs
Yard signs
Did you know one of our scholars plays for the NM Heat, the semi-professional women’s football team?!?! Way to go Marz!
almost 5 years ago, Amy Roble
Graduation Ceremony: Unfortunately, due to the public health emergency, we have to change our date/plans for our graduation ceremony. We are working hard on a new plan to celebrate our 2020 graduates. More details will be coming soon but save Friday, June 26th for a celebration!
almost 5 years ago, Amy Roble
Graduation deadline: Due our transition to a continuous learning model, we have extended the grad deadline. All scholars will now have until 4pm on Friday, June 19th to complete all required credits. All scholars who meet that deadline will be graduates for the class of 2020.
almost 5 years ago, Amy Roble
ABQCA is so excited to announce more graduates! Congrats to: Amber Cordova, Destiny Dawson, Manuel Galindo, Sarah Garcia, Jerricka Gutierez, Hamid Nasrati. Who is next?
almost 5 years ago, Amy Roble
Our scholars are amazing! We had three more finish their credits this week! Congrats to our newest grads: Breeyn Arrey, Yesenia Cerna and Jessica Nguyen!
almost 5 years ago, Amy Roble
Scholars- we have a challenge for you! Each of your teachers has office hours on Zoom one hour per day. Join at least one of your teachers Wednesday or Thursday during office hours to check in and let us know how you are. You'll find info on office hours at
almost 5 years ago, Amy Roble
NEW NM Crisis & Access Line App Directly connect to a counselor or peer support worker; Directly text a peer support worker; Access up to date resources for substance use, mental health services, and other community resources. Updated information on the state response to COVID-19
almost 5 years ago, Kelly Shelton
NM Crisis and Access Line App
Congrats to Charlie Hills! She is now a graduate!
almost 5 years ago, Amy Roble
We are out delivering Chromebooks to seniors today!
almost 5 years ago, Amy Roble
Congrats to our newest grad- Heaven Atencio!
almost 5 years ago, Amy Roble
The city of ABQ is proving free internet access from mobile hot spots around town. See our website for locations. We have received a few devices for scholar use at home with more on the way. If you need a device, we will contact you when one is available. Seniors have priority.
almost 5 years ago, Amy Roble
Our Continuous Learning plan starts tomorrow! Your teachers will now all have office hours for one hour each school day. Go to our website for times and info on how to log in and work with your teachers. Even though you are working from home, try and do school 3 hrs each day.
almost 5 years ago, Amy Roble
As you know all NM school building are closed for the rest of the school year. But, school continues! Keep accessing your school work from home as you always have. We will be announcing new continuous learning tools Monday, April 13th. Stay tuned!
almost 5 years ago, Amy Roble
Our building may be closed but our scholars are still rocking out their coursework from home! Congrats to our most recent graduate Lorena Perez!
almost 5 years ago, Amy Roble
This is a remind for everyone to breathe. I know anxiety levels just raised across the board, but even though we are not all in the building I want to remind you that we are all here for all of you!! Please email if we can help or you just want to say HI.
almost 5 years ago, Kelly Shelton
Anxiety quote - breathe
Scholars- If you haven’t answered the survey yet, please do so tonight! This is not the one you did before we left school. Click this link and complete the survey for EACH scholar. We miss you!
almost 5 years ago, Amy Roble